
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

No Teeth...

Nolan doesn't have any teeth and I don't really see any that are trying to come in.  He is 7 1/2 months old.  Elliot was 5 months old when his first tooth popped through.  The only big mobility thing that he can do is turn from his back to his tummy....then he gets stuck.  But he is a happy boy and LOVES to eat.  I realized that his high chair just about comes off the ground because he gets so excited when he sees his food.  I will have to try and get a video! :)

Here are a couple of videos of the happiness!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Nolan's Hair and Other Stuff

I realized that it is hard to get the full effect of Nolan's hair, so I tried to get a few pictures!  Even if I comb it down after a bath, it precedes to do this:

From the front

From the side and Elliot is showing his little dog.

My sleeping beauties!

For Granna--we discovered that we could also stick the stickers on the window!

Elliot's selfie.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Giraffe Mask

It's Carnival (Mardi Gras) time around here and Elliot's music class always has a little party.  They dress up.  I was not willing to go buy a whole costume for 45 minutes.  It had to be something we already had or that I could make.  I had bought two foam masks in the States on our trip--very simple, I think they cost $2.00 a piece, but they were cute.  I had a lion and a zebra.  I asked Elliot if he wanted to be a zebra (he was a lion last year).  No, he wanted to be a giraffe.  A giraffe?  What?  Yes, a giraffe.  Oooookaaaaayyyyyy.........hhhhmmmmmmmm......
Did I have enough felt for a mask?  I, of course, didn't pick any up in the States.  But yes, I did have enough for a giraffe!  It is not perfect, but it was fun to do.  It took me probably an hour from start to finish, though that hour was stretched over two days.

I put the mask in Elliot's came Thursday morning.  Music class.   Could I find the mask?  NO, NO, NO.  I couldn't believe it.  And I had to find it quick because our tram was not going to wait for us.  Well, I couldn't find it.  I asked Elliot if the foam lion mask would be okay.  Yes, it would.  Great!  Guess what I came home and did?  I looked and searched for the mask.  I finally found it beneath the changing table where it was out of sight.  Well, he did not get to wear it, but oh well.  It was fun to make!  Maybe he can wear it another time.

Past Few Weeks

I haven't taken a lot of pictures within the last two weeks since we have been infested with germs...didn't really want pictures of runny noses, red eyes, etc...  But here are a few that I got!

Just love this picture!

Nolan is starting to enjoy his baths!

Elliot went shopping with me and we found a little train that goes around in a circle.  He enjoyed it.  Do you notice the wonderful train sounds?  Toot, toot.  No, those are not part of the train.  Elliot is a very good imitator of train sounds! :)
Nolan just loves eating.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Andre's Pictures from the Trip

Andre loves taking pictures.  He hasn't been able to really enjoy his hobby since the boys came, but he did get some really good shots this trip!  Here are just a few!


Elliot is just growing into a little man.  Amazing to see him develop!  We have been having temper tantrums lately, but that is part of development, right?????  We never did have the terrible twos at our house, but we are having the trying threes....
He got some wonderful presents in the States--reusable stickers!  We love them.  And a cool cement truck!  We have been having fun!

Making cement!  Thanks, Aunt Amy!

I didn't get the video at the right time, but these two were really interacting!  It was wonderful to see!