
Friday, December 26, 2014

Almost Perfect Days

We have had a couple of almost perfect days--I say almost, because I am missing my family in the States!

Christmas Eve was spent with Andre's parents--Oma and Opa.  Elliot enjoyed opening presents.  He only got one toy, which we decided was plenty!  The rest were books and train sheets.

We had the traditional Müller Christmas Eve family supper--potato salad and roster (grilled sausages).  Boy, did it taste good! 

It was just the three of us on Christmas Day, but it was great!  We took a nice walk in the crisp weather.  We just had sandwiches for lunch and leftover potato salad and roster for supper.  We really enjoyed just relaxing, watching Elliot play and skyping with family.

Dec. 26 is a holiday here.  It snowed last night and while the boys are out playing in the snow, I am supposed to be getting our ham ready for lunch!  I am doing a sort of green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, Angel Biscuits and cranberries along with the ham.  My mouth is just watering!

Happy Holidays!


  1. yum yum it all sounds so good.

  2. Boy, it sure doesn't take little boys long to know how to run cars...looks fun...and loud....:)

  3. That is a loud car!! Zane loved it! ;)
