
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Butternut Squash Veggie Soup

 I have come to love butternut squash.  When it hits the stores, I am about the first one to buy it!  I tried it for the first time last year and now will always look forward to this fall veggie.

I like to roast it in the oven--delicious!  Just dice it up. Mix a little bit of oil, salt, pepper and rosemary in a bowl and coat the butternut with it.  Bake it for about 20 minutes--until it is soft. 

These past few weeks, I decided to make a Butternut Squash Veggie Soup.  I really like how it turned out.  Here is what I did.  I bought some soup greens (they come in a package here--carrots, a piece of celery root, fresh parsley, maybe cauliflower and a bit of leek).  Since my husband does not like leeks, out it goes.

Dice the carrots and celery root.

Sautee them in a little bit of oil for a few minutes, then add a little water and let everything simmer awhile.  I put the fresh parsley in here.  Add 2 teaspoons of vegetable bouillon (granules) to get some flavor going.
I then dice up about a half of a butternut and 1-2 medium size potatoes.

Put the butternut and potatoes in the pot and cover with water.  I do not put too many more spices in since I have a young child, but you can add salt and pepper if you would like!
Let it all boil/simmer for about 30 minutes--until everything is nice and soft.  I mash it with a potato masher, but you can puree it.  I then add a little bit a crème fraiche.
The finished product.  We ate it with German wiener (basically hot dogs) or a baguette. 


  1. that looks delicious! talk about getting all your veggies.

  2. Oh yum! That looks delicious! I actually have a butternut squash that I want to cook this week! Thanks for the recipe! I think I'm going to roast ours and will definitely add rosemary to it. Actually, it's a pretty big one-3 pounds-so maybe I can make the soup too but I don't have celery root. But I have celery. Not the same thing, huh? Oh but it looks so good! Thanks, Amanda!

    1. You definitely have enough for both recipes! And celery would work--just cut it up and sauté it with your carrots. My recipe usually makes enough for two meals. Be creative!
