
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Chestnuts--Part 2

I just can not let these chestnuts win.  Well, we had a second chestnut craft afternoon.  We painted the insides of the acorn hats and put them in a vase with chestnuts.  I really like the result.

Elliot's hats. :)


Yes, well, I wanted to do one of these really cute chestnut hearts that you see on the internet.  I even got wire (0.8 mm thick).  Hahahahahaha.  Andre just laughed when I told him what kind of wire it was.  To do a heart shaped chestnut wreath, you need the bailing wire.  The fence wire.  The sturdy wire--barely bendable.  These chestnuts are heavy little things.  My intended heart turned out to be an oval.  Oh well.  And I wanted to hang it on the door.  But what little string is going to hold that???  You need a big nail.  And we don't put big nails in our rented apartment door.


  1. I really like how the chestnut vases turned out too! They look really cool. Colorful and fallish. Sorry about your heart! Ovals are nice too though! :)

  2. I like the vases too...just a touch ocf pretty...hmmm can you glue your heart onto something heavy...but you still have the problem on hanging it. Well, it was fun trying...such a lot of bad you can't roast them on an open la al as the old song goes...:)
