
Wednesday, May 25, 2016


In the last two weeks, Nolan's development has sky-rocketed. I guess the day he turned 10 months old and got his first tooth, we have noticed a difference.  More movement, curious all the time, getting into everything, etc.  And he made it through Bible class all by himself on Sunday!  The Bible class teacher let him scoot around on the floor most of the time, but at least he didn't scream bloody murder 10 seconds after I walked out the door. 
Right after his bath, Nolan's hair looks like this:
Nolan figured out how to tickle his Papi!
Another little boy that loves his Papi's apples!

Wanting to help with the vacuum cleaning just like big brother.

Nolan just started getting really excited when Papi comes home about three weeks ago!  He just wants a hug so bad!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww so sweet ...and look at Nolan go..looking back to see if he was making a get a way...
    What pretty curls!
