
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Loving Life

I will admit to anyone right now that I feel like a chicken with her head cut off.  I am hour at a time.  Sigh.  BUT  I just love watching our boys.  They bring me so much joy.

Papi was trying to find something under the bed and Nolan had to get under there too!

Elliot's drawings!!!  Papi drew the train, but Elliot did everything else!!

Folks--he was occupied with the magnets for FIVE minutes!!  FIVE whole minutes!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Friday, October 21, 2016

Greece Trip

 What a wonderful trip!  It was great to see such dear relatives and spend time with them.

Some pictures of our trip to Corinth.

Corinth Canal

At the sea near Corinth

Nolan got a complete change of clothes after this!

Ancient Corinth

An amphitheater near Corinth

Nolan loves all the dogs, cats and pigeons.
Our time in Athens.

Standing on the Areopagus looking onto the Acropolis

On the Acropolis

Just sitting around on the Acropolis!
Exploring near the Acropolis

Standing on Mars Hill

He didn't get to climb Mars Hill like Elliot...

On Mars Hill

Playing in the rocks...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Time Just Flies

 We had to do something fun while Papi was away!  There is a little train at one of the shopping malls...Elliot was the driving and Nolan was the passenger, but he also had a steering wheel.  They loved it.  I was a little scared that Nolan would be scared, but when it started up, you could hear how happy he was!



Trying to climb...

Look, Mommy, I am sitting!  He was pretty proud!