
Friday, July 22, 2016

Busy, Busy

We are busy--we have had lots of visitors lately.  That leads to one of two conversations with Elliot.
Conversation #1
Mommy:  We need to clean up.
Elliot: Are we having wisitors?
M: What?
E: Wisitors.  Are we having WISITORS?
M: Oh, visitors.  No. 
E: Why not?
 Conversation #2
E: Are we having any wisitors tonight?
M:  No.
E:  Why not?
M:  Because I did not invite anyone.
E:  But I want to have a wisitor.
And IF we do have visitors, the question comes, "Where is he going to sleep?"
Otherwise, the boys are busy playing, playing and playing some more!

I have been trying to get a good one year old picture of Nolan--so far, nothing I would put on the wall and on thank you cards.

Elliot wanted his picture done, too!

Those bottom teeth.

You can see his top teeth if you really look!
A baby frog that our nephew, Mo, found.


I found this idea on Pinterest that was really neat--so far, so good.  And I really think the project turned out really well!  The mom that wrote about the tambourines said that it gave the kids something to do for hours--ummmmm, I guess my boys are different.  They had fun making them, but that was it.  They really haven't given them a second look since we made them.  No noodle music, no hours of fun...oh was still an hour of crafting and fun!  And it helped us beat the rainy weather!

Elliot has always loved doing stickers, so this was right up his alley!  I did the hole punching and threading--I thought he would do it, but stickers were better.  Nolan had fun trying to get the foam stickers off.  I filled it with noodles.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Nolan started walking yesterday.  And I mean yesterday.  He took two steps two times in the morning and by the evening at church he could walk about 6 feet.  Such fun to watch!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Time with Stef

We were really excited to find out that Stef was coming to Germany.  We stole him for about 6 days. We are not the most interesting family--our schedule is based on when the boys get up in the morning and after nap time.  Stef was very gracious and patient with the boys.  He got a true glimpse of our family. :)  It was a constant "Stef, can you play memory with me?", "Stef, let's look out the window." "Stef, can we...?  Stef, Stef, Stef.... And that was Elliot's part!  Nolan just looked at Stef , threw a ball his way and expected Stef to play with him! I am sure he was ready for some peace and quiet!
We took him to a playground--we had sand everywhere!

Catching Up a Bit

Elliot and Nolan are starting to "play" together.
Nolan tries to crawl sometimes.  He is pretty slow, so he switches to the scooting pretty quickly.
Some videos from Nolan's birthday party.
His beloved lion

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Nolan is ONE!!!

Happy Birthday to our littlest joy!!  We are so thankful for him.
Would you believe he didn't want to eat his cake????  He wanted a banana.

Thanks Opa D and Granna!!