
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

At the Playground with Papi

We had a beautiful Sunday afternoon and headed to a great playground not too far from us.  We sure enjoyed the family time!

And off he goes...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Big Boy Bed

Sigh....we got Elliot his big boy bed so that Baby can have the crib.  Elliot really likes it and I am warming up to it because I can now sit on his bed with him and pat him before he goes to sleep.  Don't get me wrong, I like the bed we picked out, it is just the fact that our little boy isn't so little anymore.
His new mattress

Pound, pound...


He just looks so tiny in his bed...

Friday, April 24, 2015

Socks and Playmais

After his bath yesterday, he wanted two different socks.  After trying to talk him into a pair, I just gave in.  There are worse things than wearing two different socks.  He is also pretty vocal about what he wants to wear sometimes.  Hmmmmm......

Through a Bible class teacher I came in contact with this stuff called Playmais.  Really neat.   Just moisten the little puffy things and they stick together!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


It seems that on Mondays, Elliot makes a huge jump in his language skills.  Why Mondays?  I have no clue, but it is totally amazing.

Last week he melted my heart.  We were in a very little second hand store.  He could not see me around the corner from where he was playing and I heard this, " Mama, where are you?"

His best question so far....."What can we do now?"
And his answers are getting more sophisticated.
     Andre:  What do you want to do?
     Elliot:   Nothing, just watch Peppa Pig. (A British cartoon that you can find on YouTube.)
All I can say is OH BOY!

Yesterday morning, I just had to bust out laughing.
     E:  It fits in the box! 
     Me:  It does?  Wow!
    E:  It fits in the box.  That's amazing!
     Me:  That is amazing!  (Actually meaning his vocab!)
And amazing is his new word.  The yellow house is amazing.  The red house is amazing.  And on we go!

And make me proud (I think), he said "uff da" yesterday.  And it was in the right context.  Wonder from whom he got that??????  Those little ears are everywhere!

And since he has started talking, he has started asking for specific Bible stories.  That is so amazing, wonderful and awe-inspiring to me.  Two and a half years of reading Bible stories are paying off.  We have started using a children's Bible that we got him for Christmas recommended from Aunt Amy--that is our favorite.  His favorite stories are Jesus healing the lame man, Jesus healing the blind man (he asks for the story with the mud and spit), Jesus going up, up, up (the ascension) and stories with Peter and John.  And today he asked for the story of Pentecost.  I asked him what happened on Pentecost.  His answer?  "I don't know."  But he knew the word Pentecost.  And I find that awe-inspiring.

Every new development is really neat, but this speaking one is FUN!!!

Sorry, if that was too much Elliot, but I have to keep records somehow!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

At the End of 28 Weeks

We are at the end of 28 weeks.  I sure am ready to meet our little guy, but I know he has to stay in a little longer.  11 weeks to go!!
Sorry about the arm--taking the picture myself.

Our little sunshine

A Few Videos from the Past Week


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Children's Flea Market

Just an idea of what the children's flea market is like!  Everything is sorted into sizes and you just have to dig through.  I am pretty satisfied with what I found for Elliot.  There are a couple of things that I will have to go find at a store, but that is OK. 

Here is my loot.  Maybe I went a little overboard on knee length and 3/4 pants, but hey, I now have two boys that can wear them!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The New Wardrobe

We don't have closets here built into the apartment like apartments and houses in the States.  You have to buy a wardrobe if you want to put your clothes somewhere.  Elliot and Baby got their first wardrobe a couple of weeks ago.  I have been keeping Elliot's clothes in a cubicle system that has worked great, but it is now being used for all the toys.

Andre worked hard for about 4 mornings putting the thing together before he went to his late shift.  His little helper was right there along with him.  I tried to distract him by baking things and playing with cars, but nope, he had to help Papi. :)


The finished product

Still need to optimize things, but you get the idea!

Cut the top off diaper boxes to make containers for the drawers.  Works great!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just Pictures

Just a few pictures from the butterfly exhibit at the botanical gardens.


Just a picture with my love.

Winter came back--April 2, 2015.  So glad I had not put his bunny suit away yet!

Little blue flower with snow.
Little blue flower without snow.

Lining all his cars up this morning.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jesus Loves Me

At our senior citizens' dinner at church, I talked the boys in my Bible school class into singing Jesus Loves Me.  I was so proud!!  They did sign language for the chorus.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Bliss is rocking Elliot before bed, loving on him, giving him kisses AND feeling baby brother kicking from the inside. 
 Wonderful. God-given.

Tomorrow is 26 weeks.