
Friday, September 18, 2020

Last Part of July

Yeah!!! Summer vacation! We had planned to go to the States, but Corona put a kink in those plans and we cancelled. We decided to do mostly day trips to things around the area. Our first place to go was wonderful. It was in Geyer, Germany--about a 45 minute drive from here. The boys got to pan for semi-precious rocks. They had so much fun. We got to see such pretty stones.

One of our day trips was to an observation tower and we got to ride a funicular--really neat!

Both boys loved having their cameras with them!

Another one of our day trips was going to a Sommerrodelbahn. It is basically a car on rails that uses gravity to get you down the hill. It was super fast--the boys loved it!

In Chemnitz at a playground.

Monday, September 14, 2020

June/First Part of July

We picked strawberries so many times this year! It was great! It was so fun to see the boys' baskets filling up and popping a strawberry in their mouth.

Elliot spent a lot of time working on Nolan's present for his birthday!

He loves his bike!!

We had a wonderful birthday party in the park for him. His smile just melts my heart!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Things started opening up here in May and for our 17th anniversary, we decided to go out! McDonalds! We all got some ice cream. It was a great treat for us! You still could not sit in the restaurant, but we just enjoyed the fresh air outside eating our ice cream!

Playgrounds opened up!! Yeah! 

One fun craft that we started doing was making owls out of tin cans, bottle caps and lids! The boys really enjoyed doing it and we have done it many times since. I think we have five sitting on the window sill needing to be given to someone. :)

Learning how to saw.

We took a drive to the Wildgatter here in Chemnitz. That is a kind of zoo. No exotic animals, just animals that you would find around here in the forest. It's a really pretty place. The boys were so excited to see a real live wolf! :)

The wolf!

He's squeezing as hard as he can!

And just out in our park!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Rest of April

We had a good April! Nolan did a lot of Duplo Lego activities for his school time. Elliot kept on with his school work well. We went outside every afternoon for at least 90 minutes. Usually to our park around the corner. We did get on the bus and tram to do some running around the town. We went to the library. I think I disinfected their hands at least 10 times.