
Monday, September 24, 2018

Elliot is SIX!

Goodness--I can't believe that Elliot is 6 years old!  Where did the time go?  We had a whole weekend of birthday fun and food.  There were three birthday parties, but I couldn't take pictures of all the different people, just the cakes!
We started out on Saturday morning. Elliot wanted poppy seed muffins for breakfast.  We put six candles in a muffin for him and he did a great job blowing them out.  We opened presents after that and then the boys just played and played!  Well, Elliot played and Nolan begged us the whole time to play with Elliot's new transformer.


Nolan laid in bed and cried because he couldn't play with Elliot's new transformer! Ha!

In the afternoon, we went to my mother-in-law's house (she turned 79 a few days before Elliot) and had a birthday party there with all of Andre's family. Lots of fruit, ice cream and cake followed by Chinese food for supper.

I made a cookie cake for Elliot's birthday party with his Kindergarten friends which was Sunday afternoon. It turned out great and the kids really enjoyed it! Thanks for the recipe, Aunt Amy!

He wanted a transformer cake. No can do for this mommy. I put a little toy transformer on top.

His third party was at kindergarten.  I decided to make dirt and worms.  Oreos, chocolate pudding and gummy worms. It turned out pretty good!

Found some edible flowers and leaves at the store!

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Elliot is taking swimming lessons!  He loves them. It is just an eight week course, but that is okay.  He was so scared the first day, but when I came in the last five minutes of class, he was beaming! He has really gotten confident in the water and can hold his head underwater now. He still needs a swimming noodle to keep him afloat, but he really enjoys it!

Waiting outside with Nolan

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Working Boys

Our boys sure know how to work! We went to a great playground and they just dug and pulled, ran and jumped! :)


Their next job was drawing on the sidewalk! :)