
Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday Night Project

So this was my Friday night project.  An infinity scarf.  I have had an itching all week to sew something, but I always have to get the important things done first--campaign prep for church, cleaning bathroom and kitchen, etc! 
Here I was eating popcorn and sewing--I just had to share the result!  I am actually pretty satisfied with my first infinity scarf.  It was really easy--the most difficult part was finding the plug to my sewing machine.  It was under the desk.
Now to just decide when to wear my project....maybe Sunday if it is not blowing snow.  Ha!  And now to bed.  Maybe I'll eat some more popcorn first though.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday Afternoon

I decided that we should get out a little this afternoon, but I must admit I could have just stayed in.  We needed to drop off a birthday present, so that made us venture out.  We had a full morning with Elliot's music class and a visit to the doc.
People ask me if I miss anything foodwise from the States.  Really, there is nothing.  I can live without most of the things or I have found substitutes.  BUT I must admit, I have yet to find a good substitute for Ranch Dressing.  And boy, do I like Ranch Dressing.  I remember being at home in North Dakota a couple of years ago--I think I went through two bottles of the stuff in just 2 weeks.  Just couldn't get enough of it.  We have had some Americans go back to the States over the past few years after living here awhile and they graciously gave me their Ranch packages.  OH YES!!!
And I think a little American is in Elliot--he likes Ranch!  We have been dipping avocados in Ranch and he wanted to dip his hot dogs in Ranch.  OK!

Elliot seems to enjoy talking on the phone.  He got my old cell phone and proceeded to have a full conversation.  It is in German, but basically he says, "Hello, greetings to you. How are you?  Good.  Then have a nice evening." :)


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Just Weekend Stuff

We had a pretty busy weekend as usual.  There is always some shopping to do, family to visit and a church activity or two.  I have been itching to make cupcakes again, but with an icing that the Germans will eat, but that I can decorate with.  Elliot's birthday cake turned out pretty good when he turned two, but I heard so many, "The icing is too sweet!". And that kind of took the fun away for me.
Well, my new icing is Schmand (a German product--similar to sour cream, but sweeter), cream cheese and a little bit of powdered sugar.  I was pretty impressed how it turned out, so I will have to try it again next time.  Elliot sure enjoys stirring!

Elliot has been pretty cuddly lately.  He is coming for the hugs and we love to give them!

Elliot just loves bathes, but there is usually a screaming fit when he has to get out.  He could bathe for hours if we would let him!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Just a Picture

Elliot and I got out yesterday to go to his music class--and that was the only picture we got.  Unfortunately his class was cancelled, but we got to ride the tram and bus!  He loves that!

Just trying to stay warm!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Children's Bibles

 Aren't we just so blessed to be able to have books, especially the Bible?  Andre and I have probably about 10 different types of children's Bible and I am thankful for each of them.  Each has its own character and different details to the stories.

We got the toddler Bible from Aunt Amy!  And it was a great start.  Elliot loves the pictures and the story of Noah is his favorite!
 Aunt Amy also recommended this Bible and we got it recently for Elliot.  I think it is my favorite now.  It has many stories--ones that most children's Bibles don't have, but are very important.

We got this German Bible for Christmas for Elliot.  He really likes the pictures and puzzles in between the stories.
This was the best picture I could get on Sunday with Elliot in his new shirt from Aunt Amy, Uncle Jeff, Zane and Rachel!  Thanks!!  It fits perfectly!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Butternut Squash Veggie Soup

 I have come to love butternut squash.  When it hits the stores, I am about the first one to buy it!  I tried it for the first time last year and now will always look forward to this fall veggie.

I like to roast it in the oven--delicious!  Just dice it up. Mix a little bit of oil, salt, pepper and rosemary in a bowl and coat the butternut with it.  Bake it for about 20 minutes--until it is soft. 

These past few weeks, I decided to make a Butternut Squash Veggie Soup.  I really like how it turned out.  Here is what I did.  I bought some soup greens (they come in a package here--carrots, a piece of celery root, fresh parsley, maybe cauliflower and a bit of leek).  Since my husband does not like leeks, out it goes.

Dice the carrots and celery root.

Sautee them in a little bit of oil for a few minutes, then add a little water and let everything simmer awhile.  I put the fresh parsley in here.  Add 2 teaspoons of vegetable bouillon (granules) to get some flavor going.
I then dice up about a half of a butternut and 1-2 medium size potatoes.

Put the butternut and potatoes in the pot and cover with water.  I do not put too many more spices in since I have a young child, but you can add salt and pepper if you would like!
Let it all boil/simmer for about 30 minutes--until everything is nice and soft.  I mash it with a potato masher, but you can puree it.  I then add a little bit a crème fraiche.
The finished product.  We ate it with German wiener (basically hot dogs) or a baguette. 

Friday, January 16, 2015


I got Elliot to do one to ten in English the other day.  And his Papi got him to do one to ten in German.  Since Andre was home for Christmas (2 weeks straight), Elliot's German really picked up.  In fact, he was almost speaking just the one language.  But since Andre has gone back to work, I am hearing more English!  Music to my ears!  I know that once he hits kindergarten and school, we might not hear so much English, but I KNOW he understands!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


We got a package!  Actually Elliot got the package, but I was just as excited!  Thanks Uncle Jeff, Aunt Amy, Zane and Rachel!  We have read the books over and over again.  The magnet board has had ducks, moons, suns and cars on it.  He thought the Christmas ornament was a surprise egg that has something in it and Mommy really likes the shirt!  Just wait till Sunday!

 And here is one of Granna's presents for Christmas!

And I put our tiles from Mom and the two that Andre and I painted in a different place--I really like it.  It is an eye-catcher!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blustery Day

We have had high winds for days--cold and blustery.  I did not want to get out on Monday because Elliot had the sniffles so we just stayed inside.  I just got some videos of the nonsense that happened at our place.  And yes, he had to put his socks back on!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Indoor Playground

About a week ago (yes, I am behind in posting...), we took Elliot to an indoor playground here in Chemnitz.  Well, about 1000 other parents had the same idea.  We thought that we might have made a wrong decision in going, but once we were in, we really enjoyed ourselves and had fun watching Elliot.  We will definitely go back some time.

Andre asked if I had got some pictures of  Elliot.  Well, only videos, but either way, he barely looked at me the whole time because there was so much to see!  In the videos you see the back of his head most of the time, but I hope you get the idea of the fun we had!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!

We started out the last day of 2014 kind of slow.  We went to the store for some last minute things and Elliot played in the snow.  I prepared my cream cheese dip--absolutely delicious--and potato salad for the New Year's Eve party at church while the boys were having fun outside.  After our naps, I did pigs in a blanket and away we drove.  There were not too many at the party, but that is okay!  We enjoyed the couple of hours that we were there with our brethren.  We headed home at about 8 pm and Elliot got to see a few fireworks before he got in bed.  I was in bed at 10.30 pm and missed the huge fireworks at midnight--hard to believe, right??

I missed getting the best video last night, but I did get a picture and I hope that helps us remember what happened.  Andre and I are very adamant about having Elliot be a part of our worship services.  I am constantly saying "Now we are doing the Lord's Supper.  We need to be quiet."  "Papi is doing the collection, so get your money ready." 

Well, Elliot found our collection basket and you have to know that he has been praying at home before I tell the rest.  Usually his prayer goes like this, " Father, Papi, Amen." or "Father, Papi doctor, Mommy doctor, Elliot doctor, Amen."  Since I spend all of my time with him, I know what he is praying and it just makes my heart jump for joy.  I am also thankful that God knows what he is praying. 

Anyways, he got the collection basket and prayed, "Father, collection, money, Amen."  And proceeded to see if anyone had money for him! 

And you can see him serenading the group last night with Blue Skies and Rainbows.

This afternoon we went to the botanical gardens and I got a video of the owls with Elliot.