
Monday, February 8, 2016

The Giraffe Mask

It's Carnival (Mardi Gras) time around here and Elliot's music class always has a little party.  They dress up.  I was not willing to go buy a whole costume for 45 minutes.  It had to be something we already had or that I could make.  I had bought two foam masks in the States on our trip--very simple, I think they cost $2.00 a piece, but they were cute.  I had a lion and a zebra.  I asked Elliot if he wanted to be a zebra (he was a lion last year).  No, he wanted to be a giraffe.  A giraffe?  What?  Yes, a giraffe.  Oooookaaaaayyyyyy.........hhhhmmmmmmmm......
Did I have enough felt for a mask?  I, of course, didn't pick any up in the States.  But yes, I did have enough for a giraffe!  It is not perfect, but it was fun to do.  It took me probably an hour from start to finish, though that hour was stretched over two days.

I put the mask in Elliot's came Thursday morning.  Music class.   Could I find the mask?  NO, NO, NO.  I couldn't believe it.  And I had to find it quick because our tram was not going to wait for us.  Well, I couldn't find it.  I asked Elliot if the foam lion mask would be okay.  Yes, it would.  Great!  Guess what I came home and did?  I looked and searched for the mask.  I finally found it beneath the changing table where it was out of sight.  Well, he did not get to wear it, but oh well.  It was fun to make!  Maybe he can wear it another time.


  1. What a great giraffe mask! Maybe he can just wear it next week to music class..?

  2. Aw, that's cute. Maybe next year!
