
Monday, March 16, 2015

Bath Tablets

Elliot loves having his bath water colored.  I always let the tablets dissolve in the water before he is allowed to get in.  This time he was in the bathtub under the supervision of my big boy and he got to stick his hands in the water while it was still dissolving....I must add that at least 5 tablets were dissolving.
We are at 24 hours and it is still not all off. :(

My loves--Elliot decided he wanted all of his blankets on the floor to wait for Papi to come out of our bedroom.


  1. Aw, that is so sweet that he met Andre outside his door with his blankets. Snuggles are absolutely the best.

  2. Awwww. such a nice picture of Andre and Elliot...I'll look for a picture of you in the mix one of these days...can you get down? But I am still chuckling about the blue hands. Hee hee
