
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Lots of Development!

Elliot has had so much development lately.  It is amazing.

Speaking--he is speaking in full sentences--crazy.  I watched a video from Jan where he was just doing words!

Holding a pencil--at his last doctor's apt, the doctor told me that he should hold the pencil correctly.  Well, I tried, but Elliot decided he did not want to and I was not going to force him.  Within the last week, he started drawing things that looked like letters and was very concentrated, but still not holding the pencil correctly.  Andre showed him again on Monday afternoon how to hold a pencil correctly, but again, "No, I don't want to."  We went to the bank on Wed. morning.  Guess who held the pen correctly?????  Without being told????


Kind of chilly today.

Pull-ups--about two weeks ago, we had two huge fights on getting the pull-ups on for bedtime.  I mean, HUGE fights.  Andre was holding on one end and I was holding on the other end.  Strong little boy!  Anyways, on Sunday, one of these huge fights started to ensue and Elliot said, "No pull-ups, underwear."  I stopped and asked him what he wanted several times.  Yes, he wanted underwear for bedtime.  Well, okay.  We are now wearing underwear for bedtime.  And I went and bought two extra fitted sheets for his bed! I know have four fitted sheets. Think that might be enough??? So far, no accidents.

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