
Monday, September 19, 2016

Day of WOWs


I know Nolan is getting bigger, but on Friday, it was just WOW.  It was a jump in his development or I am just now noticing!

We dropped Elliot off at Kindergarten and I didn't want him to go to sleep--what do I do????  I give him a rice waffle, of course.  I just asked, "Do you want something to eat?"  He swung his head around so fast and his little arm went up to get his rice waffle--he totally understood me.

We got home and he took a nap.  After that he wanted to play with this train.  You can take it apart with a plastic screw driver.  He had the train in his hand and kept motioning me that he wanted a toy box with a TON of toys in it.  I put it on the floor for him and went in the kitchen.  I could hear him taking things out.  I thought he was just basically dumping everything on the floor.  Nope.  Here he came with the two plastic screw drivers that went with the train.  I was just blown away.

In the afternoon, Elliot was sleeping in our bed and Nolan was already up and headed into our bedroom.  I was again in the kitchen and I heard Nolan just having a big time in there laughing.  What was going on????  He had gotten on the bed by himself!  He was in the middle of the bed trying to wake Elliot up!

Why do they have to grow up so quickly???

1 comment:

  1. He is one smart boy! His time to shine with Elliot away for a few hours!!!
